Sir Mix-A-Lot – Mack Daddy (February 4, 1992)


We last heard from Sir Mix-A-Lot in ’89 after the release of his sophomore album Seminar, which I found in the dollar bin a few years ago. While a few of the singles did stir up a bit of nostalgia (i.e. “My Hooptie” and “Beepers”), overall I wasn’t feeling the album. About a year ago, while perusing the dollar bins at one of my favorite used music stores, I came across Mack Daddy. Curiosity and the hip-hop historian in me, forced me to buy it, because any one who reads this blog on a regular basis knows I’m a sucker for dollar cd.

Mack Daddy is Sir Mix-A-Lot’s third album and will always be remembered for its massive crossover hit single “Baby Got Back”, that I’ll discuss a little bit later. Mack Daddy earned Mix-A-Lot his second platinum plaque as it topped the million units sold mark in less than 6 months after it’s release.

Today will be my first time listening to Mack Daddy in its entirety. We all know “Baby Got Back” was made for the pop charts, I’m curious to see if Mix-A-Lot had some hidden gems on this one.

One Time’s Got No Case – No matter what era you pinpoint in the history of America, racial profiling and police brutality on black men has always been a relevant issue, and is no stranger to being the subject of a hip-hop song. Over a Mix-A-Lot/Nate Fox produced backdrop (that samples Stevie Wonder “You Haven’t Done Nothing”), Mix-A-Lot spins a tale about an episode that covers both the former and the latter, with a bit of a comical twist. But there is a lot of truth spoken in jest. Nice way to kick things off.

Mack Daddy – Over a funky instrumental complete with a trunk rattling bass line, Mix-A-Lot jacks the alias of one half of the nineties kid sensation duo Kriss Kross (rip to Chris Kelly) for the title track. Mix-A-Lot spends the next 4 1/2 minutes scolding his haters, stuntin’ on the world, and makes it clear that he will take your chick. This was actually a decent listen. The instrumental has a way of growing on you.

Baby Got Back – This is arguably the most popular and one of the most commercially successful single in the history of hip-hop. Everyone one from 0 to 1000 has heard Mix-A-Lot’s ode to thick chicks with the bubble in the back. Speaking of bubbles in the back, Nikki Minaj recently sampled a portion of this song for her hit single “Anaconda” (which sucked ass). Needless to say, Mix-A-Lot will probably continue to eat off of this song for years to come. I never really liked this song, but it’s not terrible. It’s more entertaining when you watch the video, though.

Swap Meet Louie – In his “Posse On Broadway”/”My Hooptie”/”Beepers” cadence, Mix-A-Lot offers a little comic relief as he paints the picture of an Asian swap meet shop owner named Mary Phong (ha!) who sells fake Louis Vuitton. Things get interesting during the last verse when Mix-A-Lot discovers Mary is also selling bootleg versions of his tapes (kids, if you don’t know what a tape is, google “cassette tape” for more info). This was pretty entertaining.

Seattle Ain’t Bullshittin’ – Over a slowed down funk instrumental, that sounds like something Too-Short would sound comfortable spitting on, Mix-A-Lot rep his hometown. This was so-so.

Lockjaw – Mix-A-Lot is in battle mode over this hard instrumental. He may be known for his light-hearted songs, and while he’s not the greatest emcee, on this one he proves he’s got a few bars up his sleeve.

The Boss Is Back – I wasn’t feeling this one.

Testarossa – Over a cheesy Mix-A-Lot/Strange (that’s the co-producer’s alias) produced instrumental, our host compares his rhyme style to a Ferrari. Next…

A Rapper’s Reputation –  Hot Garbage.

Sprung On The Cat – This was really bad.

The Jack Back – Mix-A-Lot and guest The Wicked One each get two verses that they use to send death threats to the skinheads and the KKK as payback for all the black people they’ve brutalized and murdered over the past 400 plus years. I guess Mix-A-Lot was so disgusted with both groups he didn’t even one to waste a good instrumental on them.

I’m Your New God – Our host discusses cocaine and how both the user and the dealer praise and worship at its feet. This could have been a decent song had not the instrumental been garbage.

No Hold’s Barred – Mix-A-lot makes it clear what side he stands on with all the gun control debate (at least where he stood in 1992). Over the course of three verses he gives a few different reasons why he believes the 2nd Amendment should be upheld. The instrumental is garbage, but props to Mix-A-Lot for writing something to give the listener something to think about.

Surprisingly, Mack Daddy starts off pretty decent, before things start to slip and by the midway point this plane takes a steep nose dive before exploding into fiery flames. Mediocre rhyming mixed with sub par production equals a garbage album. No need to waste any more words on this one.




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2 Responses to Sir Mix-A-Lot – Mack Daddy (February 4, 1992)

  1. tony a.wilson says:

    I remember throwing this tape out my window while driving down interstate 95.

  2. deedub77 says:

    That’s hilarious, yet completely understandable.

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